What is Hybrid Working?

The Benefits and Challenges of Remote, Working from Home and Hybrid Office Environments

With more and more employees opting for remote working and working from home, it’s crucial to understand Hybrid working and how to navigate its unique challenges, particularly when it comes to cyber security.

Hybrid working is a flexible work arrangement where employees split their time between the office (or a “hybrid office”) and remote locations. Such as their homes or a co-working space. Hybrid working allows for increased flexibility and reduced commuting time, but it also raises new cybersecurity concerns.

What are the benefits of Hybrid Working?

Firstly, let’s ask why many businesses still favour hybrid working. That’s even after things have gone back to normal after the Covid-19 pandemic. Here are eight reasons why: 

Increased flexibility: Employees are given more flexibility to choose where and when they work, resulting in increased job satisfaction and reduced stress.

Reduced commuting time: With the option to work from home or remote locations, employees can save time and money on commuting, leading to increased work-life balance.

Improved work-life balance: Allowing employees to work from home can result in improved work-life balance and reduced absenteeism.

Cost savings: Companies can reduce overhead costs associated with office space, equipment, and utilities.

Access to a broader talent pool: By allowing remote work, businesses can access a wider pool of talent, regardless of location.

Increased productivity: Studies have shown that remote workers can be more productive, as they are less likely to be distracted by office politics and interruptions.

Improved employee morale: By offering flexible work arrangements, companies can improve employee morale and job satisfaction.

Reduced carbon footprint: By reducing commuting, companies can help reduce carbon emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Businesses opt for a hybrid work model because it offers a flexible work arrangement that allows for the best of both worlds. It combines the advantages of remote and in-office work, leading to a more engaged, productive, and satisfied workforce.

What are the challenges of the hybrid office?

Did you know that according to recent studies, 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses, and 60% of those go out of business within six months? Hybrid working means your business might be more exposed to cyber-attacks. Your IT team has less control over the devices used by staff working from home. That’s why it’s essential to have a solid plan in place to protect your business and employees.

These are the challenges to think about if you are looking to improve the success of your hybrid office: 

Cybersecurity threats

With employees working from both office and remote locations, the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches increases. This means companies need to implement robust cybersecurity measures. Ensuring that sensitive company data is protected in the office and remote environments requires strict data privacy and security policies.

From passwords and using two-factor authentication to providing secure laptops, VPNs, and necessary software for remote workers, it’s crucial to have a level playing field for all, no matter where they work. Designating a “cyber champion” to lead regular training sessions and promote employee awareness is a great way to ensure everyone is practising good cyber hygiene.

Communication and collaboration

Maintaining seamless communication and collaboration between office and remote workers can be challenging, requiring companies to invest in effective communication tools and processes. 

Fostering a solid company culture and team cohesion can be challenging in a hybrid work environment. It requires companies to find creative ways to bring employees together. Regular team ‘in-office days’ and social events can help foster a sense of belonging.  

Work-life balance

Balancing work and personal life can be challenging for employees in a hybrid work environment. Businesses should provide flexible work to support a good balance. Allow employees to set their own schedules and encourage your team to take regular breaks. You could also provide employees with resources, such as mental health support, to help them manage stress.

Hybrid working is a growing trend that offers many benefits but raises new challenges, particularly regarding cyber security. Taking proactive measures and having a plan can keep your business and employees safe and secure. So let’s get started!

To find out more about how we can help secure your hybrid workforce, click here, call our team on 0333 240 1824 or email us at hello@soconnect.co.uk.

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